To become a landowner in Cameroon, it is necessary to obtain a land title, an official certification of real estate ownership.

The procedure differs depending on whether it is a split or a direct registration.

In this first part, we will give you the procedure of registration after splitting.

Before proceeding with the purchase of a piece of land, any buyer must be able to verify the ownership certificate attesting to the legitimacy of the seller.

After all the operations that surround the process of buying the parcel, (visit, payment…) the signing of the deed of sale by a notary is the second step.

The demarcation for the effective delimitation of the parcel concerned, is the third step that will validate the obtaining of the technical file, a document established by the land registry service, which allows to know that the parcel is in the process of changing its owner.

The urbanism certificate establishment, an information document on the town planning rules and administrative easements to which the land is subject, is the final step before the filing of the entire file with the notary who will make the necessary changes before filing with the land registry which is the key institution in the land management system in Cameroon.