Living conditions in Africa, and more specifically in Cameroon, generally lead us to build savings over 20 to 25 years before realizing our dream of housing. Meanwhile with our small family we live in indecent conditions (promiscuity, poor nutrition etc.)

In addition, certain facts related to the economic situation limit us in achieving our dream and oblige us to make another choice (style or type of house etc.). Is saving the only way to have a home? Finally, when will we make the decision to buy land?
The answer is clear: once you have reached the age of majority (regardless of gender), employee in the public or private sector or even abroad, a foreign investor, you can become the owner of your plot and after 12 to 18 months of housing using an institution specialized financial. This will help you keep a low lifestyle.
To illustrate this, let us take two individuals X and Y who are of the same age and receive the same salary R. Individual X has applied for savings and individual Y, a specialized financial institution. Individual X for 20 to 25 years of savings faces several constraints:
- The payment of “two rents”.
- The first rent is the one he pays in his current house.
- The second rent is the amount saved for future construction.
- Living in precarious and indecent conditions.
- More expensive payment for a less valued package in the past
- Build a house that you will not love long.
Individual Y after a few months pays a monthly bill to his financial institution.
We realize that individual X takes time to integrate his house and have a life of descent. And even the addition of savings rent is greater than the traffic paid each month by individual Y. Since individual Y is not subject to problems related to precarious living conditions, he has a longer life expectancy higher than individual X whose living conditions were uncomfortable.