The measures to be taken during search
Making the decision to acquire land is the best choice that can be made. The realization of this project requires the search for a site adapted to the predefined needs. In this phase, very often, people are deceived and undergo the stress of administrative procedures because they do not control the operations of the real estate sector. To be safe from these risks and difficulties, you must have a real estate professional by your side who will decide for you. These provisions are grouped into four stages:

You must go down to the site to appreciate the intrigue (place, shape, surface etc.).
2. Identification of information concerning the plot of landIf the parcel of land is in a subdivision, obtain the land title number from the seller or the owner, block number, lot number, area, and owner’s name. If it is the subject of a total transfer, the land title number is enough. Check the existence of this information at the local cadaster service
3. Meeting a professionalTo ensure that the plot of land corresponds to the land title (document guaranteeing the right of the owner), the professional checks that there is an agreement between the geographic coordinates present on the papers and those on the plot; also ensure that the fragmented parcel has an approved plan of subdivision.
4. Legal verification of the propertyObtaining a certificate of ownership (an official document demonstrating ownership of a property, whether it has been bought, given, inherited, etc.) from the real estate service. It must be duly signed by the local land registrar and has a validity of 3 months from the date of issue.
In addition to the identity of the owner (s) on the certificate, check that it is not encumbered with real rights or charges. (Partial or total), mortgage (financial or legal) or declaration of public utility and so on.
Thanks to these arrangements, you may be happy to have found the land that meets your expectations.