
Douala V is limited:

– To the East by the Dibamba River

– To the South by the Douala-Yaoundé highway,

– To the West by the New-Bell and Bépanda area,

– To the North by the Akwa-North area

This district covers an area of about 210 km², and has the particularity of being both urban and rural. It has more than 1,000,000 inhabitants spread over 58 neighborhoods and villages. The non-native population represents an overwhelming majority.

Due to its geographical position, Douala V offers many business opportunities, including a well-stocked educational sector in terms of high schools, colleges and training centers.

The rural area represents 40% of the total area of the town hall, the population lives mainly from agriculture, artisanal fishing, sand extraction and sale.

Economically, there are several markets such as the Bonamoussadi Market, the Bepanda Double Ball Market. Businesses are not left out with Camtel and the SIC Cacaos factory in addition to banking institutions such as BICEC and SCB.

The Vth District of Douala has many places of worship such as Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation de Bonamoussadi, Saint François d’Assise of Kotto, Mosquée de Bonamoussadi and  paroisse Saint Charles lwanga of Bepanda yong-yong.

For your investment, SAI LA TOILE presents you the real estate potential of this area.


AREA Neighborhoods Rental ENFCFA/M² Buildings Land
BEPANDA OMNISPORT          150 000            75 000
AN 2000            50 000            25 000
DOUBLE BALLE            25 000            50 000
BONAMOUSSADI MOSQUEE          150 000            75 000
CARREFOUR ETO’O          150 000            75 000
NDOKOTI COTE MARCHE          200 000          100 000
FACE CAMWATER          200 000          100 000
DACAT          200 000          100 000
CITE CICAM DERRIERE ESSEC            70 000            35 000
COLLEGE AGAPE            80 000            40 000
LOGPOM TRADEX            70 000            35 000
LYCEE            70 000            35 000
BEEDI PHARMACIE            50 000            25 000
HAUTE TENSION            50 000            25 000
MARCHE            50 000            25 000



Delimited to the North by the Moungo Department, to the South by the Wouri River and to the West by the Fako Department, Douala IV is made up of the following villages and neighborhoods: Bojongo, Bonamatoumbe, Bonamikano, Bonendale 1 and 2.

In recent years, it has seen the birth of many structuring projects such as the construction of the 2nd bridge over the Wouri River, and the construction of the West Penetration Road.

Economically, there are many markets such as the Bonassama market, the Grand Hangard market and the Rail market. The health map of this district meets the demand with the presence of many hospitals such as the District Hospital of Bonassama, Ad Lucem and the Catholic Hospital of Saint Albert le Grand. There are several primary and secondary schools. These include Thom & John, Star Bilingual, La Roseraie d’enfants, Lycée Bilingue and Lycée Polyvalent de Bonaberi.

The district of Douala IV has several companies such as CIMENCAM, SCR Maya, SABC which make it a real industrial zone. To this can be added many banking institutions such as BICEC, SCB, Société Générale and Afriland First Bank.

There’s no doubt about it, this district remains a real goldmine for your investment. Let’s discover together the real estate trends in this sector.

PETIT MARCHE 70000 35000
ABATTOIR 15000 7500
ECOLE PUBLIQUE 20000 10000
BORDURE DE L’AXE 40000 20000
ABATTOIR 15000 7500
GARE ROUTIERE 40000 20000
PANNEAU STOP 70000 35000
CARRIERE 20000 10000

Geographic location:
The Douala III arrondissement commune shares its limits with that of Douala Ve.

  • In the North, the Arrondissement of Dibamba in Sanaga-Maritime by the Dibamba river in the South
  • To the West, the District Municipality of Douala 2nd
  • In the East the Municipality of Yabassi in the department of Nkam

Douala 3e has approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants (Source: Douala IIIe town hall) distributed in 17 villages (10 in the Bassa canton and 07 in the Bakoko Canton) and 104 districts (Logbaba, Yassa, Nyalla, etc.). This population covers an overall area of ​​113 km2 or 49 km2 of urbanized area, for a municipal road network of 1,244.4 km of roads.

The Douala III district arrondissement is home to the Bassa industrial area, which is the most important in Cameroon, a state heritage managed by Madzi (Mission for the Development of Industrial Zones). Admittedly without a port, it still has a Bassa train station and 05 bus stations (Ndokoti, PK 14, Terminus, Carrefour des Billes, Brazzaville).
There is developed a strong commercial activity in the formal and informal sectors which gives rise to the creation of spontaneous commercial spaces (Carrefour Ndokoti, Logbaba, Bilongue, Nyonga, Non glacé,…) and Conventional (Monkam, Ndokoti, Madagascar, Ndogpassi, Ndog-Bati, Syncatex, Dacat,…)
The semi-urban character of the Commune makes Douala III the undeniable agricultural granary in the department of Wouri with 64 km2 of arable area out of the 113 km2 occupied by this administrative unit. Certain urban peripherals are used for the practice of agriculture and by place of breeding.
The health map of the Douala III arrondissement shows a fairly satisfactory result. In addition to public hospital training (Douala Yassa Gyneco-Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Logbaba and Nylon district hospitals), there are denominational and private health centers with an acceptable technical platform.

Tourism and education:
The tourist potential of the District Municipality of Douala III only requires to be maintained, valued and promoted. The interchange of the east of the city of Douala is an infrastructure gem that does not go unnoticed by the first tourist who enters the city of Douala. The Japoma stadium but also the fishing port of Bwang, and the German railway bridge of Japoma without forgetting the national road N ° 3.
The area of ​​the educational and academic sector is greatly enriched to meet the density of the population. There is sufficient supply in the various educational levels, whether in basic education, secondary education and higher education. This is particularly the case with Campus 3 of the University of Douala, the Catholic University, the Panafrican Institute for Development (IPD / Central Africa), the University of the Coast, University Institute of the Gulf of Guinea, ENSAM…

The Arrondissement of Douala III is the largest of the six in the department of Wouri at least for its land area and certainly the most populated. There is a perfect mix of the population (cultures and social classes) who coexist there in a living together without a hitch.



BASSA Zone Industrielle 3000 200 000 200 000
Cité de la Paix 2000 150 000 75 000
NDOKOTI Carrefour 2000 200 000 100 000
Tradex 2000 200 000 100 000
BILONGUE Axe Lourd 1000 40 000 20 000
Bonadiwoto 1000 40 000 20 000
JAPOMA Lycée 1500 20 000 10 000
Rond-Point 1500 40 000 20 000
LOGBABA Jardin 1500 40 000 20 000
Nkongui Chefferie 1500 30 000 15 000
YASSA Entrée Yatchika 1500 30 000 15 000
Carrefour Yassa 1500 60 000 30 000

Douala II, better known as New-Bell, is the land that welcomed the subjects of Prince Rudolf Douala MANGA BELL when the German colonial authorities decided on January 15, 1913 to expropriate the natives on the Joss plateau.
From an administrative post to an urban district in 1972, Douala II became an Urban District Municipality by decree N ° 87/1366 of September 24, 1987 creating the Urban Community of Douala.

Geographic location:
Douala II ème is in the heart of the economic capital. Article 4 of the above-mentioned decree stipulates that the limits of the Urban District Municipality of Douala IIème whose headquarters are in New-Bell are determined as follows:

  • In the North by the crossroads of Two churches, Japoma Street, the railway to West Street which serves the industrial center.
  • To the South by the Wouri;
  • To the West and Southwest by the Arrondissement of Douala I,
  • East and Northeast by the industrial center road, the Heavy axis and the airport service.

Note also that this Arrondissement has a diverse climate and flat terrain.

On the economic level, Douala II is a trading place par excellence because it shelters mythical markets like the Lagos market (central market), the Congo market, the Nkololoun market as well as the old New-Bell train station transformed into a market. In addition, it must be emphasized that Douala II is the main gateway into and out of the country, because it is home to Douala International Airport. This town is also close to regional institutions and opens onto the Wouri River, which gives it the advantages of an epicenter of the economic capital of Cameroon and sets it up as a major pole of investment and economy in the sub-region. what is the city of Douala.
Health is not to be outdone because the district of Douala II has a large panel of hospitals to the delight of the population. This is the case of the New-Bell District Hospital and the two medical centers of Nkololoun 1 and 2.

Socio-culturally, Douala II is a cosmopolitan town. We note the diversity of its settlement cohabiting in peace, composed of tribes from all regions of Cameroon, many African countries, and the rest of the world, which makes Douala II, Cameroon in miniature. Its population is estimated at over 700,000 inhabitants spread over an area of ​​2,000 hectares. Source: Douala 2nd town hall.


YOUPWE Youpwe 1 (Base Navale) 2000 200 000 100 000
Youpwe (Marché) 1500 100 000 50 000
BONADOUMA Armée de l’Air 3000 400 000 100 000
Base Aérienne 4000 400 000 100 000
NEW BELL Carrefour Anatole 2000 200 000 100 000
Ancien Etage 2000 100 000 50 000
NEW BELL BASSA Shell New Bell 1500 200 000 100 000
Nouveau Terrain 1500 70 000 35 000
NKOLOLOUN Central Bar 1000 100 000 50 000
KM 5 1000 100 000 50 000
MBOPPI Ancien Abattoire 2000 250 000 100 000
Marché 3000 200 000 100 000

Geographic location:
Located in the city of Douala, the district of Douala I is limited:

  • To the West and North-West by the Wouri river and the Mbanya river which separates it from the district of Douala V.
  • To the East by the Mboppi river which separates it from Douala III th
  • The place called Shell New Bell is the limit that separates Douala I from Douala II

Douala, I has approximately 600,000 inhabitants spread across the cantons Akwa, Bell and Deido. This population covers an area of ​​around 1,300 hectares and a density of 2.18 hbts / m². Douala I has within it an administrative district (Bonandjo), residential districts (Bali, Bonapriso, etc.) and a business district (Akwa).

Douala Premier is the gateway to Cameroon and the CEMAC sub-region. In geo-economics terms, this arrondissement has an airport that handles nearly 17,500 flights a year and a port (Port Autonome de Douala, abbreviated as PAD) which constitutes a veritable economic lung of the CEMAC zone. It is by far the busiest port in sub-Saharan Africa.
Similarly, there are four markets (the Sandaga, New Deido, Saker and Mboppi markets). The Mboppi market in particular is the largest agrifood market in Central Africa. All supermarkets and supermarkets in the country are located there: Super-U, Casino, Eco-market, Spar, FOKOU, among others. It is also noted that Douala I is the place par excellence of establishment of multinationals like the SABC, ZTE, Scheider, Medcem, Dangote Cement, PWC, KPNG and COTCO. In addition, Douala I shelters the head offices of all the banking institutions of Cameroon in particular SGC, Afriland First Bank, UBA, ECOBANK, CITYBANK, Atlantic Bank, BICEC, SCB and NFC Bank.
Finally, it has the largest hotel infrastructures in the city such as Le Méridien, Star-Land Hôtel, Futuris Hôtel, Pulmann Hôtel, IBIS Hôtel, among others; without forgetting the two future first 5-star hotels in the city, Djeuga Palace and Crystal Palace, under construction. Douala I is also 200 km of paved roads. All these elements make this district one of the most attractive districts in the real estate sector because its land potential is attractive.

Politics and administration:
It must be emphasized that all regional and departmental delegations are established in the district of Douala Ier. The representations of the foreign countries in particular all the consulates are established in the same district. It is also the location of the seats of political parties.

The cosmopolitanism of the Douala I district is characterized by its intermingling of cultures and social classes, materialized by the quality of the various infrastructures. Indeed, most foreigners established in the city of Douala reside there, which makes it a mosaic-like district with a cosmopolitan atmosphere.


Zones Vente/m² Location bureau/m² Location terrain/m²
AKWA Bd de la Liberté 1000000 11000 – 16000 11000
Bd Ahmadou Ahidjo 700000 8000 -11000 8000
Bd de la République 700000 8000 – 11000 8000
Bd de l’Unité 500000 5000 – 8000 5000
BONAPRISO Avenue De Gaulle 800000 11000 – 14000 10000
Hydrocarbure 900000 11000 – 14000 12000
BONANJO 1000000 11000 – 14000 11000
BALI-KOUMASSI 500000 7000 – 11000 6000
NEW DEIDO – DEIDO –BESSENGUE 250000 2500 – 4000 3000
AUTRES 100000 1500-2000