Trends in the real estate sector Douala 3rd

Geographic location:
The Douala III arrondissement commune shares its limits with that of Douala Ve.

  • In the North, the Arrondissement of Dibamba in Sanaga-Maritime by the Dibamba river in the South
  • To the West, the District Municipality of Douala 2nd
  • In the East the Municipality of Yabassi in the department of Nkam

Douala 3e has approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants (Source: Douala IIIe town hall) distributed in 17 villages (10 in the Bassa canton and 07 in the Bakoko Canton) and 104 districts (Logbaba, Yassa, Nyalla, etc.). This population covers an overall area of ​​113 km2 or 49 km2 of urbanized area, for a municipal road network of 1,244.4 km of roads.

The Douala III district arrondissement is home to the Bassa industrial area, which is the most important in Cameroon, a state heritage managed by Madzi (Mission for the Development of Industrial Zones). Admittedly without a port, it still has a Bassa train station and 05 bus stations (Ndokoti, PK 14, Terminus, Carrefour des Billes, Brazzaville).
There is developed a strong commercial activity in the formal and informal sectors which gives rise to the creation of spontaneous commercial spaces (Carrefour Ndokoti, Logbaba, Bilongue, Nyonga, Non glacé,…) and Conventional (Monkam, Ndokoti, Madagascar, Ndogpassi, Ndog-Bati, Syncatex, Dacat,…)
The semi-urban character of the Commune makes Douala III the undeniable agricultural granary in the department of Wouri with 64 km2 of arable area out of the 113 km2 occupied by this administrative unit. Certain urban peripherals are used for the practice of agriculture and by place of breeding.
The health map of the Douala III arrondissement shows a fairly satisfactory result. In addition to public hospital training (Douala Yassa Gyneco-Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, Logbaba and Nylon district hospitals), there are denominational and private health centers with an acceptable technical platform.

Tourism and education:
The tourist potential of the District Municipality of Douala III only requires to be maintained, valued and promoted. The interchange of the east of the city of Douala is an infrastructure gem that does not go unnoticed by the first tourist who enters the city of Douala. The Japoma stadium but also the fishing port of Bwang, and the German railway bridge of Japoma without forgetting the national road N ° 3.
The area of ​​the educational and academic sector is greatly enriched to meet the density of the population. There is sufficient supply in the various educational levels, whether in basic education, secondary education and higher education. This is particularly the case with Campus 3 of the University of Douala, the Catholic University, the Panafrican Institute for Development (IPD / Central Africa), the University of the Coast, University Institute of the Gulf of Guinea, ENSAM…

The Arrondissement of Douala III is the largest of the six in the department of Wouri at least for its land area and certainly the most populated. There is a perfect mix of the population (cultures and social classes) who coexist there in a living together without a hitch.



BASSA Zone Industrielle 3000 200 000 200 000
Cité de la Paix 2000 150 000 75 000
NDOKOTI Carrefour 2000 200 000 100 000
Tradex 2000 200 000 100 000
BILONGUE Axe Lourd 1000 40 000 20 000
Bonadiwoto 1000 40 000 20 000
JAPOMA Lycée 1500 20 000 10 000
Rond-Point 1500 40 000 20 000
LOGBABA Jardin 1500 40 000 20 000
Nkongui Chefferie 1500 30 000 15 000
YASSA Entrée Yatchika 1500 30 000 15 000
Carrefour Yassa 1500 60 000 30 000