By observing members of the diaspora, we find that they are reluctant to carry out real estate projects in their country of origin. This reluctance comes from the fact that, living abroad, they have very often been disappointed by the people to whom they have entrusted the management of their projects. However, behind this disappointment, should not hide the decision to refuse to invest again at home in real estate, because in Africa and more precisely in Cameroon, we have professionals who carry out your projects in safety. To reassure you, you must appoint a representative who will be your eyes and ears throughout the procedure. This is why SAI La Toile proposes to accompany you in the realization of your real estate project. Regarding the search for a plot of land:

We invite your representative to come to our offices for more information about our company.
Our collaborators and him, will make a descent on the sites in order to appreciate them.
If the plot of land found meets your expectations, SAI LA Toile with your representative, initiates the acquisition procedure.