Press Release

What an exceptional day we had celebrating 1ᵉʳ May 2024! Management and all the staff gathered in our customer area for a celebration full of festivities and joy.

We began this special day with a lively debate on the theme of 1ᵉʳ May, highlighting the values that unite us as a team. It was a precious moment that reinforced our spirit of unity and solidarity.

Afterwards, we all headed to the White House restaurant to share a memorable meal. The atmosphere was electrifying, full of laughter and lively conversation, echoing our collective energy and enthusiasm.

Happy 1ᵉʳ May to everyone!

Nous avons eu l’honneur et le privilège de recevoir la visite du préfet du Wouri sur notre chantier de construction à Saint-Jérôme de Douala, un moment marquant de notre parcours vers la réalisation de ce projet ambitieux. Sa présence témoigne de l’importance accordée à notre initiative et de la reconnaissance de l’impact positif qu’elle aura sur la communauté estudiantine.
Lors de sa visite, le préfet a pu constater les avancées significatives de notre chantier et l’engagement de notre équipe à respecter les normes de construction les plus élevées. Il a exprimé sa satisfaction quant à la qualité du travail accompli jusqu’à présent et a souligné l’importance de cette infrastructure pour le développement de la région.
Nous avons également eu l’honneur de recevoir Monseigneur Samuel Kleda, Archevêque de Douala, pour la cérémonie de pose de la première pierre de notre projet. Sa présence a apporté une dimension spirituelle et symbolique à cet événement majeur. Sa bénédiction et ses paroles d’encouragement ont renforcé notre détermination à mener à bien cette entreprise.
Nous sommes impatients de partager avec vous l’évolution de notre chantier et de vous inviter à célébrer ensemble l’achèvement de cette réalisation qui contribuera au développement durable de notre communauté.

La journée du 08 Mars 2024 chez LA TOILE GROUP a été marquée par une série d’activités inspirantes et enrichissantes. Des discours inspirants ont été prononcés, mettant en lumière les réalisations et les défis auxquels les femmes sont confrontées dans notre société. Des moments de partage et d’échange ont eu lieu, permettant à chacun de témoigner de l’impact positif des femmes dans notre entreprise.
En cette journée spéciale, nous avons célébré leur force, leur résilience et leur impact positif. Cette célébration a été une occasion précieuse de reconnaître l’importance des femmes dans notre entreprise et dans la société en général.
Nous sommes fiers de nos femmes remarquables et de tout ce qu’elles accomplissent. Leur passion, leur dévouement et leur talent sont une source d’inspiration pour nous tous.

A memorable moment to close an exceptional year! Our company celebrated its end-of-year meal on 30 December 2023, and the event was a real success. It was an evening of conviviality, joy, and celebration, bringing our team together in a warm and festive atmosphere. On this special evening, our employees had the opportunity to gather around a table filled with culinary delights, carefully prepared by the talented caterer from the white house restaurant in Akwa. The exquisite flavours and refined dishes delighted our taste buds, creating a gastronomic symphony that delighted all guests.

We look forward to continuing this great momentum in 2024 and creating new and unforgettable moments together. Stay tuned for upcoming events and exciting news on our website!

Another year has ended in a most beautiful way. It is a tradition for us that the General Management continues to do everything possible to foster a real climate of trust and satisfaction within our young and beautiful company. This 30th of December 2022 was an opportunity to get together over a convivial meal to discuss the various aspects of the year that had just ended and to get a better idea of the prospects for the new year. It was with great pleasure that we agreed to meet in 2023. Illustration with some pictures.

From Saturday August 13 to Monday August 15, 2022, far from civilization, discovering the wonders of nature in West Cameroon, the whole team of SAI LA TOILE moved for a weekend to rebuild, recharge, and strengthen the bonds of solidarity. It is with great satisfaction that we brought our warmth to this wonderful jewel that is LE DOMAINE DU SOLUTRE DE BATACK. An unforgettable stay around many activities: Hiking in nature, sharing both human and intellectual and entertainment of all kinds. Because the hierarchy has understood that a united, flourishing, and healthy team is a productive team, it does not skimp on efforts to maintain its vision and transmit its values.

It is around the theme “World of work: fight against covid 19, protection of jobs and productivity” that we discussed on the rights of the worker during the celebration of May 1st, 2022. SAI LA TOILE wanted to gather again all its staff and its hierarchy so that together we could find solutions to the specific problems linked to this health crisis which continue to cause damage. These were moments of evaluation which at the end demonstrates with evidence the intelligence of the hierarchy which knew how to preserve jobs and capitalize on the productivity since 2019. Debates, gala match, dinner have furnished these moments. We thank the company Financial House S.A. who accepted to be part of us.

A new opportunity to discuss the role of women in the construction of our world. This year’s theme further calls for the responsibility of women with the objective of highlighting those women and girls around the world who are working for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The women of SAI LA TOILE being part of the actresses, discussed this subject “Equality today for a sustainable future”. Instructive exchanges, festivities in a family atmosphere have thus furnished this day which enters the memories of our company.

December 2021, a month that will forever be remembered by the staff of Sai La Toile. The company’s hierarchy thought of closing the year in a spirit of conviviality and sharing. Thus, on December 19, 2021, it was a great joy for us to welcome all the children of the staff in our structure for the traditional Christmas tree ceremony. It was truly a moment of sharing and entertainment for these angels who just wanted to have a good time with their parents. The meal of December 31 was the occasion for the hierarchy, to exchange, and to address encouragements to all the personnel for the account of the ended year and the new one that we approach with a lot of enthusiasm to satisfy at best the need of our customers.

Placed under the theme: “solidarity and harmony for a decent working environment” the staff and partenrs of SAI LA TOILE, were in Team Building in the city of Kribi from 14 to 16 August 2021. On this occasion we stayed at the Cardinal Hotel which, it must be said, did everything possible to ensure us a dream stay in the seaside city. From Beach Soccer to Beach Volleyball, including the “Match des incollables”, everything was in perfect harmony to promote exchange, conviviality and above all solidarity, which are, so to speak, assets for the evolution and effective success of our company. It is with a calmed and high spirit that we gave us appointment next year for the next Team Building. Thank you to the management of SAI LA TOILE for these unique moments.

This May 1st 2021 was again an opportunity to question the management of SAI LA TOILE concerning the covid-19 pandemic. This day, although based on festive moments, remains for us an opportunity to meet, to debate on the theme chosen for this occasion and to see in what our structure, is connected or distant from the essence of the theme. For the year 2021, the theme was:  “ The world of work and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Securing Worker’s Health, a great Challenge in the preservation of achievements Within Companies”. To close this memorable day, we shared a meal at the White House restaurant.

SAI LA TOILE in its evolutionary vision has once again made a point of accompanying the women of the company in the celebration of the day dedicated to them: International Women’s Rights Day. For this edition of March 08, 2021, it is with brilliance that they spoke to us around the proposed theme “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world,”. The expressiveness of their leadership, tenderness and compassion was evident. Indeed, for this time, ladies made a point of celebrating with children of CAJEN orphanage located in Douala JAPOMA (not far from the Lycée de JAPOMA) in need to bring them hope, love and warmth.
Finally, they were indescribable moments of intellectual exchange and compassion.
Thanks to the general management, to Brand Ambassador Micheal Kiessou and to all our guests for their accompaniment, their presence, and their attentive listening.

SAI LA TOILE, leader in real estate development in Cameroon continues to modernize and harmonize in its own way, the real estate environment. It was on December 20 and 31, 2020 that we had the opportunity to organize respectively Act 1 of the Christmas tree ceremony and our traditional Christmas dinner. Unique moments of sharing and happiness with the children of the staff. Dancing, singing, and games are some of the activities organized as part of this memorable day. what about the end-of-year dinner in the presence of our Brand Ambassador Michael Kiessou and other guests? A difficult year in 2020, but we are all happy with the way it is ending.

Magnificent, astonishing, and above all enriching, these are the adjectives that we can use to describe the stay of our Brand Ambassador in the region of West Cameroon in Bafang. He was there for a well-deserved rest, but the information of his arrival at the La Valée de Bana hotel was leaked and we received a warm welcome at the entrance to the town of Bafang. The images of our procession will be enough to confirm this. During this stay we visited the Tagidor in Bangou. Wonderful ! Our return to Douala via Mbanga was the icing on the cake. Roll on to the next destination.

After the release of his new opus C’est Dieu Qui Est Fort (CDQEF) Michael Kiessou was kind enough to make his heart speak by making a donation to the Ste Faustine orphanage in the town of Douala 3rd at the village. It was a memorable Saturday as the public and fans gathered there to welcome their artist. Moreover, the signs carried by the latter sufficiently demonstrated the joy they had at seeing the local child come back as a hero since it was in this neighborhood that he grew up. Ultimately the goal was to make the children smile again and it was really a success. Thank you, Brand Ambassador.

The Mbole Bennam challenge awards ceremony as part of the promotion of our Brand Ambassador Michael Kiessou’s new opus was an opportunity to put dancers in competition who had to make dance videos to win the prize pool of 100,000 Fcfa (1st Place) , 50,000 (2nd Place) and 25,000 (3rd Place). The number of likes, shares and comments represented 70% of the final grade and the 30% was for the members of the jury.

The woman mother of humanity, source of life was in the spotlight this March 08, 2020 at SAI LA TOILE. The discussions on the theme of the day were led by a master hand by the female staff of the company. The continuation of hostilities took place at the esplanade of a restaurant in the square, always in the company of our Brand Ambassador Michael Kiessou who, for the event, delivered an incomparable show at the height of the star he is.

During the month of March 2020, under the leadership and the impetus of our Brand Ambassador Michael Kiessou, we had the opportunity and the privilege to give a new smile to the children of the “La Compassion” orphanage of Bonaloka in Douala at Cameroon. It was a unique and emotional moment. Seeing children happy and joyful to receive these little gifts we had for them was the greatest satisfaction we could have. Our Brand Ambassador regarding the situation is positioned as a public figure who places himself at the service of others and concerned about their well-being. The images will speak for themselves.

on the initiative of our executive management, the After Work evening of SAI LA TOILE was an opportunity to bring together in our customer space potential buyers or influencers for the presentation of our different projects and above all to promote our knowledge- to do.
The occasion was to show how our projects were interesting and how attractive they were. Many distinguished guests honored us with their presence, like the Departmental Head of the Cadaster Department of the city of Douala, the Regional Delegate of the Cadaster

Just like International Women’s Day, International Workers’ Rights Day was also a real success at SAI LA TOILE. Like any self-respecting company, the workers’ rights debate was topical. The General Management and the staff engaged in exchanges on the applicability of the measures decreed by the government within the framework of SAI LA TOILE. After the effort, the comfort of the day ended with a trip to a restaurant in the square.

The celebration of International Women’s Rights Day at SAI LA TOILE this day was an opportunity for female staff to highlight their particularity but also and above all their joy at knowing themselves in a company that clearly respects women’s rights.

It was one of the most memorable moments for SAI LA TOILE staff. The company as part of a team building found itself in the seaside city of Kribi in Cameroon. Games, relaxation and various attractions are the elements that furnished this activity. Strongly at the next session.